上海 Shanghai
12月22日 名古屋大学驻上海联络处(淮海西路55号申通信息广场27楼D座)
Tel: 021-6280-6185
12月23日 同济大学数学系(同济大学四平路校区致远楼107室)
12月22日 (星期一)
9:30 -10:20 XiangYu Zhou (Academia Sinica)
Some applications of representation theory in several complex variables
10:30 -11:20 Siqi Fu (Rutgers Univ.)
δ-cohomology groups
11:30 -12:20 Bo-Yong Chen (Tongji Univ.)
On Stein quotients of bounded Stein domains
14:00 -14:50 Cuipo Jiang (Shanghai Jiatong Univ.)
Verma type modules of vertex operator algebras
15:00 -15:50 Kentaro Wada (Nagoya Univ.)
A cellular algebra with certain idempotent decomposition
16:00 -16:50 Qiang Fu (Tongji Univ.)
A modified BLM approach to quantum affine gln
12月23日 (星期二)
9:30 -10:20 Hideyuki Ishi (Nagoya Univ.)
Representatives of bounded homogeneous domains
10:30 -11:20 Takeo Ohsawa (Nagoya Univ.)
Asymptotics of Christoffel-Darboux functions
14:00 -14:50 Hebing Rui (East China Normal Univ.)
On the structure of certain cell modules for Birman-Wenzl algebras
15:00 -15:50 Hyohe Miyachi (Nagoya Univ.)
Irreducible Specht modules