Dr. Wanhua Yang (Ms) SJD & LLM Division of Environmental Law and Conventions
United Nations Environment Programme
22nd Nov. Tuesday afternoon 13:00-15:00 2H
25th Nov. Friday 10:00-12:00, 14:00-17:00 5H
2nd Dec. Friday 10:00-12:00, 14:00-17:00 5H
Environmental law is widely recognized as an effective tool for catalyzing international and national action to protect the environment and promote sustainable development. This course provides a brief introduction to international environmental law.
International environmental law is a subset of international law. A significant part of international environmental law is incorporated in Multilateral Environmental Agreements (“MEAs”). In order to understand international environmental law, the course will start with a brief introduction to general international law, treaty law, general principles of international environmental law, as well as compliance with and enforcement of MEAs. It will also look at key MEAs governing different environmental areas including atmosphere, biodiversity, chemicals and wastes, marine pollution, freshwater resource and desertification.
The course will also discuss current emerging issues with respect to the development, implementation, compliance and enforcement of international environmental law.
Reference: UNEP Training Manual on International Environmental Law, available at: http://www.unep.org/environmentalgovernance/Portals/8/documents/training_Manual.pdf