2016 同济-阿尔托可持续设计研究生讨论会:服务设计与未来生活
9:30-11:30 / 13:30-15:00
2016 Tongji-Aalto Postgraduate Seminar on Sustainable Design
——Service logic for shaping future living environment
Date: 7th October 2016
Time: 9:30-11:30 / 13:30-15:00
Venue: Aalto Design Factory
Our living environment is changing. It shifts from the conditions that are dominated by the idea of well-being shaped by unsustainable consumerism toward the ones consisting of new networks on both built and social levels. A new idea, defined as service-dominant logic, is emerging. The structural changes give rise to the need of establishing new built and social environments that are able to foster new and sustainable behaviors.
On 7th October, Tongji University and Aalto University will co-hold a one-day seminar themed “Service logic for shaping future living environment” in Aalto Design Factory. The primary aim of this seminar is to provide a forum for the postgraduate students (PhD, DA and MA) from two universities to present their work and exchange ideas. Therefore, this seminar welcomes case studies and research projects on methodological and theoretical investigation relating to the theme from various disciplines.
Therefore, this seminar welcomes case studies and research projects on methodological and theoretical investigation relating to the theme from various disciplines.
How to apply:
To apply, please send following materials by email before September 25th to zhouzhou_517@hotmail.com with Subject Tongji-Aalto Postgraduate Seminar.
For Marster’s students:
· Pecha Kucha 20x20 (6-10 minutes)
· Abstract (500-800 words)
For doctoral students:
· Presentation Slides (10-15 minutes)
· Written paper (4,000 – 6,000 words)
* Please use the word template attached
* Published papers are also welcome
* We will share all the abstracts and papers with participants, but the paper will not be published in the form of proceedings.
The number of presenters is limited to 15 so please e-mail as soon as possible if you are interested.
Please contact Zhou Lu zhouzhou_517@hotmail.com if you have any questions.
Conference Chair: Prof. Yongqi Lou (Tongji University)
Joint Conveners: Prof. Antti Ahlava, Prof. Jarmo Suominen (Aalto University)