报告一:Knowledge creation: integration and diffusion processes.
报告人:Ronald Rousseau 教授(国际科学计量学会主席)
报告二:knowledge transfer and its impact on regional innovation
报告人:蔚海燕 博士(华东师范大学)
报告三:How Scientometrics and S&T intelligence services can be applied in R&D performance
报告四:The forming process of group polarization in BBS: from a social network view
报告人:杨洋 副教授(同济大学经济与管理学院)
报告五:white horse is not identical to a horse and the potential of citation analysis
报告人:刘玉仙 副研究员(同济大学图书馆)
时 间:4月1日(周日),下午13:45
地 点:图书馆五楼会议室