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来源:土木工程学院   时间:2011-11-24  浏览:

主题一:The DNA of English & a Revolution in Learning
主讲人:Prof. Philip Yeung (The English speechwriter for the President of the HKUST, and has been a speechwriter and ghostwriter for prominent Hong Kong government and social leaders, including Hong Kong’s Financial Secretary.)
时   间:12月5日(星期一),下午15:00-17:30
地   点:土木大楼A101
主题二:Writing Beautiful English—Is there a Magic Formula?
主讲人:Prof. Philip Yeung (The English speechwriter for the President of the HKUST, and has been a speechwriter and ghostwriter for prominent Hong Kong government and social leaders, including Hong Kong’s Financial Secretary.)
时   间:12月6日(星期二),上午9:00-11:30
地   点:土木大楼A101


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