题目: Architectural Modeling and Analysis of Complex Systems
报告人: Jiacun Wang教授, 蒙莫斯大学,美国
时间: 6月15日(周三)20:00
地点: 致远楼102
摘要: Component-based software development has been well recognized as an effective methodology in software engineering. Components constraints play critical role to high quality software product development. In this presentation, a systematic approach for component-based software architectural modeling, constraints specifica- tion and consistency verification is introduced. In this approach, computational tree logic and Petri Nets are used as the underlying formalisms to describe software constraints and design compositions, respectively. System-wide constraints are decomposed to component constraints. The consistency between system-wide constraints and component constraints are verified purely on Petri net models after replacing black-box components with equivalent Petri nets while preserving component properties specified by the constraints.
王加存,男,1963年生。美国新泽西蒙莫斯大学计算机科学与软件工程系主任,终身教授。著有< >, Kluwer Academics Publishers,1998。发表论文60余篇。现为IEEE 系统,人与控制学报副主编,国际智能控制与系统学报副主编, 国际离散事件系统与控制学报副主编。曾任IEEE 新泽西海岸分部学生工作委员会主席,蒙莫斯大学教授会理事。