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来源:数学系   时间:2011-04-18  浏览:
题  目  Frobenius splitting on Dist G
报告人  日本大阪市立大学数学系 兼田正治教授
日  期  2011年4月26日(星期二)下午4:30-5:30
地  点  致远楼102室
摘  要  Let G be a simple algebraic group over a field of positive characteristic, B a Borel subgroup of G, and F the Frobenius morphism on the flag variety B = G/B. A splitting of the comorphism F#:OB→F*OB via a→ap, due to Mehta and Ramanathan, marked a breakthrough in the study of the geometry of B regardless of characteristic. We will describe a construction of a splitting of the Frobenous morphism on the algebra of distributions Dist G on G. This is joint work with Michel Gros.


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