题 目:Multifunctional Nanomaterials Designed for Innovative Drug Delivery Applications
报告人:Dr. Giovanni M. Pauletti(University of Cincinnati Academic Health Center)
时 间:3月22日(周二),上午10:00
地 点:赤峰楼67号同济大学南校区实训楼219会议室
The development of innovative drug delivery strategies in support of effective, patientoriented management of various
disease states requires that conventional drug carriers must be modified to include additional modalities. Strategically,
it is desired to have selective targeting capabilities, which improve the drug side effect profile, imaging capabilities that
facilitate therapeutic monitoring by noninvasive technologies, “smart” release capabilities that maximize drug efficacy,
and defined distribution properties facilitating transfer across biological membrane barriers. The presentation will
highlight application of biological high-throughput technologies such as phage display to identify novel molecular signatures that enable effective transfer
of nanocarriers across limiting biological barriers. In addition, we will illustrate the results of multidisciplinary
collaborations between investigators at the University of Cincinnati College of Engineering, Medicine, and Winkle
College of Pharmacy to design and fabricate innovating, multifunctional nanocarriers for drug delivery applications.
It is anticipated that this presentation will stimulate constructive follow-up discussions regarding future collaborations with scientists at Tongji University and within the extended Shanghai
region focusing on drug delivery research.