题目: Distributed filtering of sensor networks
报告人:王子栋教授, 英国布鲁奈尔大学信息计算与数学学院终身教授
摘要:The past few decades have witnessed constant research interests on various aspects of sensor networks due primarily to the fact that sensor networks have been extensively applied in many fields such as information collection, environmental monitoring, industrial automation and intelligent buildings. In particular, the distributed filtering or estimation for sensor networks has been an ongoing research issue that attracts increasing attention from researchers in the area. In this talk, we will report our recent work on distributed filtering over both the finite-horizon and infinite-horizon. We will first talk about the distributed consensus H-infinity filtering in sensor networks with multiple missing measurements, and then discuss about the distributed H-infinity filtering for polynomial nonlinear stochastic systems in sensor networks. Some future research directions will be pointed out as well.
时间: 8月19日(周四)15:30
地点: 致远楼107
王子栋博士现任英国布鲁奈尔大学信息计算与数学学院终身教授,东华大学长江学者讲座教授。王子栋教授于1996年获得德国洪堡基金,1998年获得日本科学促进会基金,2002年获得香 港大学威廉蒙基金。多年来从事控制理论(随机控制,鲁棒控制,非线性控制,模型简化)、信号处理、生物信息学方面的研究,在SCI刊物上发表国际论文一百余篇。现任IEEE 自动控制汇刊副编缉;IEEE 控制系统技术汇刊副编缉;IEEE 神经网络汇刊副编缉; IEEE 系统、人、与控制汇刊副编缉;国际神经网络杂志编委;国际电路系统与信号处理杂志副编缉; 国际系统科学杂志编委; 国际神经计算杂志编委; 国际计算机数学杂志编委; 国际一般系统杂志编委;IEEE 控制系统协会会议编缉委员会委员。曾任IEEE 信号处理汇刊副编缉(2003-2007) 及五个国际刊物特刊客座编辑。IEEE 高级会员; 英国皇家统计学会理事; 旅英中国自动化及计算机协会主席;中国国家杰出青年基金及长江学者海外评阅人。