(7月20日)Spectrum inclusion set preservers
时间:2010-07-15 浏览:
题目: Spectrum inclusion set preservers
报告人: 李志光(Chi-Kwong Li) 教授, 美国威廉玛丽学院
摘要: Let S(A) denote a spectrum inclusion set of a matrix or operator A. We study maps T on matrices or operators such that S(T(A) * T(B)) = S(A * B) for all (A, B) pairs. Here X * Y denotes a binary operation such as X - Y, X + Y, XY, XY+YX, XY-YX.
Resent results and open problems will be discussed.
时间: 7月20日(周二)15:30
地点: 致远楼107