时间:2009-05-25 浏览:
一、 报告题目:混合多相流质子交换膜燃料电池三维建模及数值优化计算方法
二、 报 告 人:孙澎涛 博士(美国内华达大学 数学系)
四、 时 间:2009年5月27日(星期三)上午9:30-11:00
五、 地 点:新能源汽车工程中心 214室(嘉定校区)
In this talk, a three-dimensional, nonisothermal, anisotropic, two-phase model for polymer electrolyte fuel cells (PEFCs) is studied, where flow, species, charge and energy equations are simultaneously addressed. The famous mixture multiphase (M^2) model plays the main role in this two-phase fuel cell model and will be investigated in this talk as well. Some new numerical techniques are specifically investigated in order to achieve fast and convergent numerical simulation. A series of efficient numerical algorithms and discretizations based on a combined finite element-upwind finite volume method are designed and analyzed to assist in approaching this goal. 3D numerical simulations demonstrate that the convergent and correct physical solutions can be attained within 100 more steps, against the oscillating and long-running nonlinear iterations (up to 5000 steps) operated by standard finite element/volume method if no new numerical technique is adopted.